
The steps of the Eidolon Method of problem solving and idea modeling are described below

  • Inspiration, something causes us wonder or curiosity.
  • Idea, What is the raw thought itself?
  • Theory, How does it relate to other ideas? 
  • Information, The facts that support the theory, and their credibility
  • Impulse, The assignment and direction of resources and tasks
  • Action, A response to that impulse in the real world
  • Experience, the awareness of that action and its results
  • Knowledge, what you learned from the process!

Any thought, impulse, or experience moves along through the steps until it is confirmed and something that is known, or dismissed and unconfirmed, but how far it's been confirmed to would at least have been noted. There are several steps to this process, but it becomes habit after a few uses, and many of the steps are only needed for bigger, year long decisions. This is something you can do for literally any thought that races through your head period. All you need to do is trust it, and the best way to trust something is to use it a couple of times. 

Inspiration is the first stage, but it is something that happens to us, not quite something we do. So assuming we are already inspired with an idea or two or too many, we'll start with the Idea itself.

If you are unsure what your "inspiration" is, I recommend taking a look at Sales Coach Richard Moore's "Monetize You" system.

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